Think Sustainable: Jodie Harburt, Cooking Up Dialogue
"Our food, our planet, our future"
The first episode guest of the Think Sustainable program, prepared and presented by Gül Ulu, a member of the Sustainability Steps Association, was Cooking Up Dialogue co-founder Jodie Harburt. In the program, the relationship of the Cooking Up Dialogue Project with Terra Madre, Slow Food and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) was discussed in terms of food safety, human rights, women’s empowerment, collective empowerment by building bridges between individuals.
Terra Madre, a global platform designed by the Slow Food Organization, is an umbrella platform that provides opportunities for small food producers, as Jodie Harburt points out. Cooking Up Dialogue is one of the organizations under this umbrella. Within the scope of the project, Jodie and its partners carry out social gastronomy projects where not only women but also LGBTI + people come together and recipes and stories about these recipes are shared.
Referring to an alternative perception of differences, Jodie Harburt said, “The fascinating thing about bringing people from different cultures, heritage and backgrounds together is that we can see that differences bring incredible diversity and richness to the table rather than causing a conflict. Cooking Up Dialogue celebrates variety and its simplicity. “We all eat and we all have a story.”
Finally, it was stated in the program that everything is interrelated, environmental justice and social justice are the same. Jodie said: “The Cooking Up Dialogue Project provides the opportunity to bring problems and solutions together. To tackle current problems, we need to overcome the polarization that prevents policy makers from making the right decisions, and raise the voices of women and minorities for the whole society. “