Think Sustainable: Janneke Leenaars, Interface Sustainability Manager
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we work and live. With the epidemic, we are witnessing the importance of sustainable development efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals more than ever. We have, once again, realized how poverty reduction, increasing the quality of education, creating decent employment, entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity can contribute to human life and the nature in myriad ways.
Based on the vision of a more sustainable and more harmonious lifestyle with the planet, we have started to discuss and question the responsibilities of individuals and institutions more when it comes to the global sustainability vision. It goes without saying that private sector plays an important role in realizing the sustainability goal worldwide. Thus its sustainability endeavours could help to inspire many institutions and individuals in how they adapt, revolutionize and harmonize the ways they think, produce and live towards a more sustainable life style.
To that end, we will be hosting Interface’s Benelux, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Emerging Markets Sustainability Manager Janneke Leenaars in our second Think Sustainable program where we try to reach out to pioneering individuals and institution representatives that have been making great efforts to contribute to the planet and society with their out-of-the-box and innovative ideas, and talk about their projects, sustainability visions and future predictions. In our interview with Ms Leenaars, we will talk about Interface’s sustainability vision and projects, its innovative formula of embedding sustainability to its production and supply chain management as well as their predictions on the implications of a post-COVID world for Turkey and the rest of the world. In this 45-minute broadcast, which we hope will be more interactive with questions and comments from you, we will be exploring how the strategic corporate sustainability vision can affect institutions, individuals and our planet, based on the extraordinary and innovative production model developed by Interface.
We are waiting for you all to the second broadcast of the Think Sustainable program, which will be broadcast live on Tuesday, January 12 at 13:00.