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We were at the Informatics and Digital Transformation Workshop organized by Tepebaşı Municipality

eskisehir tepebasi municipality emrah kurum

We attended the Informatics and Digital Transformation Workshop where Tepebaşı Municipality brought together academicians, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector and public representatives on June 28, 2019.

President of Sustainability Steps Association, Emrah Kurum performed a presentation titled “Effective Digital Transformation Steps” at the opening of the Workshop. He clarified identifying the problems correctly, associating the identified problems with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), how we can use digitalization to produce solutions to the problems and proposal model and inspiring digitization clusters from world on the creation of clusters by bringing together different specialties.

IBM Turkey and Middle East Public Projects Deputy General Manager, İhsan Müderrisoğlu shared his knowledge and experience by “Digitized Public and Its Projects” presentation with participants and Tepebaşı Municipality Information Technologies Manager, Suat Yalnızoğlu gave information about the municipality activites in the field of informatics in his presentation.


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